Management and staff of the Louis-Constant Fleming hospital pulled out all the stops last Thursday to celebrate its 20th anniversary. A beautiful celebration organized the day after the laying of the first stone of the hospital extension by the Minister Delegate for Overseas Territories, Philippe Vigier. Quite a symbol!
Birthday obliges, the hospital patio was magnificently decorated by the staff of the establishment gathered to properly celebrate the 20th anniversary of the hospital structure which opened on July 28, 2003. The opportunity for the management of the hospital to thank and honor the oldest staff who began their careers in the old dilapidated premises located at the time below the sub-prefecture, route du Fort Louis.
Everyone told their story, their anecdotes and their journey, which added nostalgia and emotion to the event. Doctors Stéphane Paucod and Lazare Noubou, the childcare nurse, Francoise Legallo, hospital staff and other health and administrative executives Ernest Jacobin, Patrice Hassel-Samuel, Catherine Ternon-Curton, Carêne Vignal-Gumbs and Ramona Connor who were at the heart of the move from the Marigot hospital to the new Louis-Constant Fleming hospital center were thus highlighted in turn by the hospital management. Everyone received a loyalty certificate for more than 20 years of service.
A nod to the history of the new hospital concluded this beautiful ceremony: the presence of the “first babies” born on July 30, 2003. They are Junior Erasmo Sanchez Ferrera (born at 9:50 a.m.), Olivier Alberto Fortuno (born at 16:16 p.m.) and Mathieu Toussaint (born at 20:47 p.m.) who are now 20 years old! _AF
Source: Faxinfo
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