On Thursday March 30, a period of musical restitution was held in four performances at the Théâtre de la Chapelle with a superb show born as part of the workshop program "Mix'Art, music makes its cinema" produced by 600 students and their educational teams in 19 schools, colleges and high schools in Saint-Martin between March 20 and 30, 2023.

MIX'ART Saint-Martin 2023 is the result of an educational, artistic and civic operation combining music, singing and street art led by the Ariana association and its collective of professional musicians and visual artists from France and Saint-Martin. Founded by Catherine Proust, the Ariana association aims to promote cultural openness and the success of young people through the practice of music and street art with institutional partners, including several official representatives who were present during the event, such as the Ministry of National Education and Youth, the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (ANCT), the Prefecture of Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy, the National Education Service, the Collectivity , and the collaborations of the CAF, the educational city, the Hippocrene foundation and the Buildinvest group. Continuing its commitment to promote socio-educational and cultural integration as well as the educational success of young people on the island of Saint Martin, the entire Mix'Art team, led by Aurélien Desailloud, artistic director, and Arnaud Lavaud, general delegate , has thought up an original and unique concept by offering a show combining music, sometimes classical thanks to Camille Théveneau, violinist, Emmanuelle Isenmann, soprano and Ismaël Margain, pianist, and singing around the 7th art.

Each panel of the show was dedicated to a film where the budding artists interpreted the music of the feature film live while the trailer was projected on a large screen. "Black Panther", "Mission Impossible", "West Side Story", "The Princess and the Frog", "James Bond", "Amélie Poulain" without forgetting the powerful "Stand Up" where the temperature went up a notch in the room when the young spectators got up to sing together with the two young girls, the show was magical. In total, no less than 1.000 students will have participated in MIX'ART Saint-Martin this year.

For the street art component, an exhibition will be organized at the beginning of May as part of the Art and Languages ​​festival to present the work produced collectively by young people during workshops supervised by artists from Saint-Martin and from metropolitan France. The theme of this exhibition will be "Mix'ART, a memory and a future shared with the natural and cultural heritage of Saint-Martin". Another huge congratulations for this initiative which puts culture back at its center and reveals the countless talents of Saint-Martin. _Vx

Source: Faxinfo