ASSOCIATION: Moment of well-being for a dozen women in Quartier d’Orléans | FAXINFO

On the occasion of International Women's Day on March 8, the association Sem Ta Route offered a relaxing discovery of Tai Chi Gong to a dozen women from Quartier d'Orléans.

On this beautiful afternoon of Wednesday, March 8 in the courtyard of the Center Social de la Palmeraie in Quartier d'Orléans, a group of women who were completely new to this sport, which has many benefits for the body and the mind, tested, with more or less skill, some of the basic gestures of a discipline they know nothing about: Tai Chi Gong. By way of introduction, a few minutes of explanation allowed the participants to learn more about this Chinese practice close to yoga which alternates static postures with very short sequences as well as breathing exercises which help the circulation of energies and to overcome the feeling of heavy legs. To animate this well-being workshop, Elz Laubal first installed, assisted by the Sem Ta Route team, the portable sound system which broadcasts soaring and soft music. The women allowed themselves to be guided and carried away by the reassuring voice of the host in a first series of slow gestures which they reproduced by mimicry with a common desire to bring the energy back to themselves, to control it and channel it through the slow figures associated with breathing and concentration exercises. "I didn't know what it was, but after this test session, I would like to be able to continue because I think this method could reduce the level of stress and tension after a day at work" confided Bernadette. The Sem Ta Route association in Quartier d'Orléans is considering setting up sessions for adults and seniors, women and men. Workshops for children are also under consideration to allow them to calm down, develop their self-confidence and acquire better management of emotions. _Vx

Source: Faxinfo