Beach Tennis: Saint-Martin talents are multiplying | FAXINFO

After the arrival of Nicolas Gianotti, double champion of France and third best player in the world of beach tennis last December, it was William Breton, beach tennis referent of the Guadeloupe league, who decided to tread the sands of Saint-Martin for an internship. detection in collaboration with the KKO Beach Club.

During this intensive four-day course with William Breton, also a beach tennis coach for 10 years, three axes were deployed. First, the competition pole. "As a beach tennis referent in Guadeloupe and the Northern Islands, William goes to tournaments and observes young competitors allowing them to consolidate their achievements, to witness the progress of players and to give them advice on the mentally and in both technical and tactical areas. It was a real chance to be able to put William in contact with the talents of Saint-Martin, including six young people from the KKO Beach club and two others from the Friendly Caribbean Beach Tennis for the competition course,” says Virginie Carien, herself a qualified teacher. of beach tennis and champion of France in 2012. Second axis, professional orientation: exchanges between coaches based on experience in the field always prove to be productive, in a spirit of common reflection with a view to progressing together. Last axis highlighted during this mid-Lent course, detection. The Saint-Martin beach tennis school operates year-round with young people who train once a week and whose talent and predispositions are now known and recognized. The sporting prowess of the members of the KKO Beach Club regularly attests to this. Five young people are also in the process of being selected for the Guadeloupe championships in Moule on May 6, with the hope of qualifying for the French Beach Tennis championships at the end of August 2023 in Palavas-les-flots. The Thursday afternoon of the course open to all was therefore dedicated to the detection of young talents aged 7 to 12 so that they could progress in competition and for themselves in a real moment of sharing with William. A dozen young people from the KKO Beach Club have benefited from the valuable advice of William Breton.

Advanced courses will be organized next year. _Vx

Source: Faxinfo