A project supported by the Saint-Martin Red Cross, the Caribteens Care platform was born to better meet the demands of young people on the ground health matter.
Podcasts, videos, testimonials, articles, social networks, website (under construction), Caribteens Care addresses youth issues identified by young people themselves from Santé Jeune (11-25 years) of the Red Cross of Saint-Martin, who felt limited by the lack of interventions in the school environment. Some premises of the Marigot Health Center have been transformed into a mobile radio or video studio for the needs of the project. A real tool for promotion and prevention in the areas of health, addiction, food or sexual health, the project gives a voice to young people, assisted by health professionals, in order to reach others. The name Caribteens refers to young people from the Caribbean, the addition of Care is a reminder of health and taking care of oneself and others. The logo perfectly illustrates the union of the different themes targeted by the project: health, youth, Caribbean identity. The Red Cross offers a safe, non-judgmental environment, accepting diversity, where young people feel heard, listened to and supported. By choosing themes that seem relevant to them, young people open the dialogue more widely on, for example, risky behaviors by providing advice and resources thanks to the expertise of health professionals. In addition to its preventive function, Caribteens Care allows Saint-Martin youth to get involved by encouraging solidarity, the sharing of experiences and the mutual support necessary in this age group, which is sometimes complex to live with for some, and poor or ignorant parents. In terms of figures since the first post on social networks in June 1, the platform already has more than 2023 subscribers for 200 people affected, 12.000 podcasts with 13 listens, 200 videos produced including a poignant testimony from a young person who testifies to the His brother's first epileptic seizure. Content is available in English, French and Spanish. With the aim of reaching as many people as possible, the Red Cross is launching an appeal to young Saint-Martin residents and health professionals in order to expand the team which since its launch has included around fifty young people and around thirty adults, and another call to institutions and possible partners to renew funding (judgment March 20). For the Red Cross, Caribteens Care is a “real support for promoting health, the commitment of young people and the knowledge of health professionals” on issues that affect the Antilles in general. Long live Caribteens Care. _VX
Facebook: CaribTeens Care
Instagram: caribteens.care
Youtube: CaribteensCare
Tik Tok: caribteenscare
Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/caribteens-care-pour-les-jeunes-par-les-jeunes/
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