COMPETITION: Great success for the first edition of ELEVATE | FAXINFO

The organization FCE, Women Business Leaders, Saint-Martin & Saint-Barthélemy, in partnership with the CCISM, Initiative Saint Martin Active, France Travail and Saint-Martin Evolution Toastmasters Club, is delighted with the success of the first edition of the competition pitch entitled ELEVATE.

With an open theme allowing candidates to give free rein to their creativity, this event generated remarkable enthusiasm with more than 50 people coming to support the 9 candidates who shone through their passion and vision. Participants had the unique opportunity to present their ideas for 3 to 5 minutes, on the topic of their choice. A week before the event, they received 5 key words that they had to integrate into their speech: “dream”, “in 5 years”, “Caribbean”, “energy”, and of course, “woman”, in honor of International Human Rights Day  Women celebrated on March 8, the date of the competition. With immense diversity in the candidates despite 3 last minute withdrawals, the presentations, in French or English, covered a wide range of subjects, ranging from entrepreneurial projects to societal reflections without forgetting personal testimonies. “We were excited by the variety of participants. This diversity fully embodied our vision for ELEVATE: an inclusive event, open to all, and led by women, highlighting the richness of experiences and ideas” confided Mélanie Dal Gobbo, FCE president. The competition was marked by the presence of a candidate aged only 9 years old. Robaïerohn Sahaï captivated the audience with his passion and courage, dedicating his text to his mother. Likewise, a young teenager, Malie Traore, took the microphone to read a poignant text on female emancipation, written by the vice-president of FCE, transforming her words into a true ode to women, which resonated even more strongly by the young and vibrant voice which carried them. For the jury composed of eloquence experts representing each of the partners (FCE: Marie-Angèle Coudrieu, CCISM: Jennie Edwards, France Travail: Chantal Hyman, ISMA: Sandrine Richard, Evolution Toastmaster club: Vernicia Brooks), the task n It was not easy to decide between the candidates. Evaluated on voice quality, delivery, pronunciation, intonations, speech construction and coherence of structure, candidates also had to respect the allotted time while maintaining the audience's attention. If the jury has designated winners, all candidates are winners of the competition. _VX


Winners of the ELEVATE competition:

Young Growth Prize: Robaïerohn Sahaï

The young 9-year-old candidate therefore won the hearts of the jury in addition to that of the public. He dedicated his victory to his mother Robertine, who, in his words, filled him “with hope like a star”.


Confirmed Prize: Kamila Hyman

After a pitch in English associating athletic performance with integrity, the young woman describes the competition as “a great experience and an interesting exercise” that she recommends everyone to do.


Inspirational Prize: Dominique Dupré

“I give this prize to all women”… these were his first words when announcing the results after having presented  its solidarity garage project in the Orléans district.

Source: Faxinfo