The first Conference on Youth Violence in Saint-Martin was held at the Daniella Jeffry high school, bringing together around fifty participants, including Prefect Vincent Berton, Senator Annick Pétrus, Public Prosecutor Xavier Sicot, Vice-Chancellor Harry Christophe and Sub-Prefect Marie-Hildegarde Chauveau in charge of jointly organizing the event.
An alarming observation and a call to action
Annick Pétrus stressed the urgency of taking action in the face of the rise in juvenile delinquency. "It is not inevitable," she said, stressing the importance of making parents responsible and strengthening the role of schools. She welcomed the expansion of the Local Council for Security and Crime Prevention (CLSPD) to better coordinate efforts.
In an attempt to explain the rise in delinquency since last September, prosecutor Xavier Sicot has, among other things, pointed to a search for identity through violence and a positive image of the delinquent in certain neighborhoods. The prosecutor has called for a concerted approach between justice, education and support structures to avoid a worsening of the situation.
Prefect Vincent Berton denounced a worrying trivialization of violence, noting that it has become a "normal language" in Saint-Martin. He also advocated for educational, sports and cultural initiatives to offer young people positive alternatives and structure a better future.
Powerful testimonies: the possibility of another path
Six poignant testimonies illustrated the reality of Saint-Martin youth and the impact of the lack of family and social reference points. Some, formerly involved in violence, shared their journey of reintegration through sport, training or community involvement.
Deon Richardson recounts his past as a young wanderer: left to his own devices as a teenager, he had a series of problems with the police before finding his bearings within an adoptive family. Now a firefighter, he says that change comes through willpower and parental guidance.
Gabriella, a 24-year-old woman, spoke about her struggle with trauma after being raped at 18. Trapped in a spiral of violence and rejection, she found the strength to rebuild herself thanks to her daughter: "The violence I suffered is not who I am today."
Others, such as Raphaël Sanchez, Yoean Lake or Samuel Gumbs, explained how their involvement in sports or the police allowed them to escape an environment marked by delinquency or bad influences. Thierry 'Vély' Abraham highlighted the impact of music in his career, stating that every young person can find a passion to change their trajectory. A direct witness to domestic violence in his childhood, he is particularly keen to listen to his children and be involved in their education.
Building a future without violence
These meetings have laid the foundations for collective work. All the speakers agree on one point: combating violence requires a global commitment, involving institutions, families and civil society. This first edition marks a turning point: it is no longer just a question of noting the problem, but of providing concrete answers.
A structured action plan to combat youth violence
Six working groups will meet from February to March to establish a precise diagnosis and propose appropriate solutions. Each group, made up of around ten people, will be led by a facilitator and a secretary responsible for summarizing the discussions.
The topics covered are as follows:
Necessities of Youth : Understanding the causes of youth distress and analyzing gang dynamics.
Social and cultural environment : Explore the impact of living environment, culture and sporting activities.
Report to authority : Consider effective sanctions and strategies to restore deterrence.
Support and integration : Take stock of existing systems to promote employment and civic engagement.
Health and parenting : Strengthen support for families and fight against addictions.
The school : Improve academic success, address bullying and develop bilingualism.
At the end of this phase, a 2025-2027 action plan will be drafted, followed by a restitution conference in April. A charter of the Assises will be signed between the different actors to formalize the commitments made. In order to anchor these measures in the daily lives of young people, a program of interventions in schools will also be put in place. "It is urgent to act quickly and collectively", recalled the sub-prefect Marie-Hildegarde Chauveau. _Vx
Source: Faxinfo
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