CONSTRUCTION / Permanence of the CAUE: benefit from the free advice of an architect, it’s possible! | FAXINFO

The Council of Architecture, Urbanism and Environment (CAUE) of Guadeloupe will be present in Saint-Martin to advise citizens on the realization of construction projects.

As such, a permanence (by appointment) will be held on Friday April 28, 2023 from 09:15 a.m. to 15 p.m. at the Cité administrative de la Collectivité, 6 rue Jean Jacques FAYEL in Concordia.
As a reminder, the role of the architect consultant of the CAUE is to provide information to people who wish to build. He can therefore provide his analysis and advice during the various design phases of the project, so that it meets the rules of procedure and funds applicable to Saint-Martin.
In addition, the consulting architect can also explain to citizens more precisely the role of each building profession and indicate the most relevant professional depending on the project (company, project manager, architect, etc.), without advising one company rather than another.
Citizens can make an appointment now with the Regional Planning and Urbanism Department:

Source: Faxinfo