Controls at sea: six boaters fined for speeding! | FAXINFO

On Sunday May 14, the nautical brigade of the national gendarmerie carried out checks at sea in the presence of the delegate prefect of the Northern Islands, Vincent Berton.

During the three-hour patrol on the Dolent, the gendarmes' rigid-hulled boat, the Nautical Brigade notably ensured compliance with speed limits in the 300-meter coastal strip. Six boaters were fined for speeding. Remember that the authorized speed is 5 knots maximum!

Safety reminders and regulations on the Tintamarre reserve were also carried out, as well as checks of equipment on board ships.

Compliance with safety rules is essential at sea so that all users can enjoy it in the best possible safety conditions.

The prefect calls, in this context, for everyone's good citizenship so that our beaches and coasts remain places of relaxation without risk for users. _AF

Source: Faxinfo