A young Saint-Martin resident was sentenced last Friday by the Saint-Martin local court to four years in prison for having committed the trifle of six armed robberies in restaurants and businesses on the French side.
The saga of the young robber ended last Wednesday, December 13 after his arrest by investigators from the banditry suppression group created in Saint-Martin on September 1, 2022. It was by finding his genetic fingerprints on the t-shirt of A victim that G. C. born in Saint-Martin on September 22, 2004 could be identified, his name already appearing in the national genetic fingerprint file (FNAEG). Placed in police custody, the latter finally admitted to being one of the two perpetrators of the armed robberies committed between August 12 and October 3, 2023, his accomplice still being actively sought by the gendarmes (G.C. did not want reveal the true identity of the other robber to the police, editor's note).
Always the same procedure
The impressive series of robberies began on August 12 at a well-known service station in Sandy Ground. G.C. and his sidekick first decide to change clothes before committing their misdeeds. His accomplice parks his car not far from Sandy Ground primary school and asks G.C. to take his scooter. The two criminals then headed towards the gas station around 13 p.m. Their plan is carefully prepared. At gunpoint (a Glock 45, editor's note), they rob the staff then seize the cash register for a total amount estimated at 800 euros. Once the heist is completed, the two bandits separate. G.C. receives 200 euros from the hands of his accomplice for “service rendered”.
The second robbery took place on September 19, 2023 around 20:30 p.m. The two criminals set the scene again in a Chinese supermarket located on rue de Hollande. Here again, they seize the cash register after threatening the boss's son with a gun. The damage is estimated at 1000 euros.
A new series of armed robberies followed a few days later. First on September 28 at 21:55 p.m. in a pizzeria in Concordia. Under threat of a gun pointed in her direction, the manager of the premises handed over the contents of the cash register to her attackers, i.e. 425 euros.
The next day (21:30 p.m.), a restaurant in Sandy Ground was the target of the crazy robbers. One of them points his gun at the chest of the owner of the premises. The latter admitted to investigators that he had “the fear of his life that evening. I thought I was living my last moments.” The two threatening individuals rob their victim and leave with the sum of 900 euros and a iPhone.
Finally, on October 3 (11:35 a.m.) in the space of ten minutes, three Chinese convenience stores in Sandy Ground were the scene of new robberies committed by the infernal duo. They leave with 200 euros in their pocket.
Christmas behind bars
After the statement of the facts by the president of the court, Françoise Mariaux, G.C. explains to the bar that he acted in this way to “provide for his needs”. He expresses a feeling of remorse and apologizes to the victims for all the harm he may have done to them. He finally says he wants to put an end to this delinquent life and get back on the right path.
His statements are far from convincing the public prosecutor who considers the acts committed by the defendant extremely serious. “Many victims witnessed violent scenes. It’s unacceptable to behave like this in society.” It requires against G.C. four years in prison and a ban on possessing weapons for a period of five years.
After deliberating, the court follows the requisitions of the public prosecutor. G.C. is found guilty of the facts with which he is accused apart from an armed robbery at Sandy Ground where he is acquitted. For the six other robberies, he was sentenced to four years in prison with a committal warrant. Concretely, G.C. will spend his first Christmas in Guadeloupe behind bars. The court receives the constitution of civil party. G.C. will have to pay 1 and 800 euros respectively for material damage and damages to two of the victims.
Note that G.C. will have to answer to justice for four other robberies committed last November in businesses in Cole Bay. _AF
Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/tribunal-un-braqueur-multirecidiviste-condamne-a-quatre-ans-de-prison-ferme/
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