COURT: An individual sentenced to six months in prison for acts of gender-based violence and contempt | FAXINFO

ED 52, a native of Saint-Thomas (Virgin Islands of the United States) appeared last Thursday in the Saint-Martin Criminal Court for acts of violence committed with the use or threat of a weapon and for sexist contempt, either comments or behavior with a sexual or sexist connotation that undermines dignity or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive situation imposed on a person.

The facts date back to February 23 at the Marigot bus station. It is 13 p.m. when ED behaves inappropriately towards MC, an employee of the Collectivity of Saint-Martin.

The individual shows himself to be more and more insistent with unequivocal remarks on the nature of his sexual desires. The victim then asks him to stop harassing him. Visibly upset, the individual will then show physical violence by throwing several stones in the direction of MC Traumatized, the latter takes refuge in an office adjoining the  bus station. Two bus drivers, who witnessed the scene, intervened to subdue ED and remove a stick from his hands.

Alerted, the territorial police arrived quickly on the spot and arrested the perpetrator, who was placed in police custody. For the record, the defendant refused to sign the minutes of his hearing.

Present at the helm, ED denied all of the facts alleged against him despite several testimonies from people present at the scene of the attack. It turns out that the individual is known at the bus station to regularly assault women outside and inside buses. “This man sows terror at the bus station”, underlines the prosecutor, Yann Burnichon, before continuing “This is not the first time that he attacks his victim. It is high time that this stopped”. With seven convictions already appearing on his criminal record, in particular for acts of violence with a weapon and repeated death threats, the public prosecutor's office is requesting a six-month prison sentence for him, with a ban on carrying a weapon for five years and a fine of 250 euros.

After deliberating, the president of the court, Françoise Mariaux followed the indictment of the public prosecutor and sentenced the defendant to a six-year prison term, with a ban on carrying a weapon for a period of 5 years and a fine. of 90 euro.

ED now has 10 days to appeal the judgment.

A  note that the victim did not wish to file a civil action. _AF

Source: Faxinfo