The National Association of Building Companions and the Sandy Ground On The Move Insertion Association are organizing a self-protection support operation during the 2023/2024 hurricane season for vulnerable families in Sandy Ground.
It is in the spirit of Mr. Richardson, president of SGOMI, that this project was born several years ago, with the desire to support the most vulnerable inhabitants of Sandy Ground to protect their homes in the event of a hurricane phenomenon. . It is only natural that SGOMI approached the Compagnons Bâtisseurs (CB) who work in favor of the improvement of housing and which include security within housing as a priority for action, in order to set up a first demonstrative action. SGOMI and CB therefore have the honor to announce that the first self-security support operation in the Sandy-Ground district will be organized throughout July 2023 to support 50 families in protecting their homes. Through this partnership, the agents of SGOMI will be trained in the use of the tools by the Compagnons Bâtisseurs. A self-protection support brigade made up of agents from the two associations will lead security days in the neighborhood thanks to the Bricobus. Boards will be provided by the organizers, drilling and installation will be done with the beneficiaries. In the event of a hurricane, families will be accompanied in fixing the boards by the teams. In December, the boards will be collected and stored until the next hurricane season. A prevention workshop will be organized the last week of June to formalize the launch of the operation. All Sandy Ground associations and social centers are invited to join this partnership to identify and refer families. _Vx
Info: Shaniqua Hunt (SGOMI manager) on 06 90 62 82 94 and Maé Bridier (director CB) on 06 90 18 91 31
Source: Faxinfo
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