DISABILITY: Coralita, SAMSAH and CAMSP allied for inclusion | FAXINFO

This Wednesday, January 15, 2025 was a special day for the Coralita association. Dedicated to people with disabilities, Coralita now shares its fight and its premises with two specialized structures in Saint-James.

Present in the region for 17 years, the Coralita association is pleased this year to formalize its collaboration with the Early Medical-Social Action Center (CAMSP) and the Medical-Social Support Service for Disabled Adults (SAMSAH) by inaugurating their new premises located at 16 rue Low Town, in Saint-James.

“Our association does not pursue any profit motive and offers educational, social and medical-social assistance to people with disabilities,” explains Annick Le Blanc, president of Coralita.

Founded between 2022 and 2023, the two specialized organizations are delighted to see their structures perpetuated, essential for the residents of the territory: “We are happy to see things accelerate on the island over the last 5 years. There is so much to do for people with disabilities. We had to overcome many challenges related to the recruitment of qualified staff and logistics before finding our place here,” confides Rudy Sejor, director of CAMSP and SAMSAH.

The two care structures, complementary in their action, share their areas of intervention: SAMSAH supports adults with disabilities aged 20 to 60, while CAMSP focuses on early care for children aged 0 to 6.

Early in the afternoon, the sub-prefect Marie-Hildegarde Chauveau, accompanied by Dominique Louisy and Michel Petit, 3rd and 4th vice-presidents of the Collectivité, joined the public for the inauguration ceremony and the symbolic cutting of the blue ribbon on the doors of the building.

The establishment, spread over two levels, furnished and decorated with warmth, bears witness to the human and professional commitment to vulnerable people. _LM


Art at the service of well-being and disability

In this spirit of cooperation, Coralita, SAMSAH and CAMSP are joining forces with Art For Science, an association created in 2019 which uses art as a tool for health and mental well-being.

Co-founded by Mélanie Dal Gobbo, Art For Science recently initiated the project of the 42nd Living Museum in the world.

Located in Hope Estate, it has been open since Monday, January 6.

This free and accessible place offers the space and material necessary for the expression of everyone's creativity.

During her presentation, Mélanie Dal Gobbo highlighted the multiple benefits of the arts on the brain.

“I think that art and disability can go hand in hand, which is why we will work together to support the beneficiaries of our structures towards their life goals,” concludes Rudy Sejor.

Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/handicap-coralita-samsah-et-camsp-allies-pour-linclusion/