EDUCATION: A beautiful mural created by students from the Emile Choisy school | FAXINFO

The opening of the fresco of the Émile Choisy school was held this Monday, June 10. The opportunity for guests to add a final touch.

In total, 337 students from the small section to CM2 took turns from March to May to bring the walls of their school back to life. Local fauna and flora, mangroves, historical reminders and ethnocultural diversity are all themes addressed by the fresco.

This CNR-NEFLE “Jardin'Art” project initiated by Jennifer Stewart (major section teacher) with the support of André Botino (director) mainly aims at developing language through art and gardening. It is the result of a consultation carried out at the end of September 2023 by 19 members of the educational community. It is to the artist Cindy Choisy that we owe the design of the artistic component of the project. As for gardening, the kindergarten now has a real planter thanks to the land provided free of charge by parents and the leveling carried out by ATSEM, community agents and parent volunteers. Ultimately, the aim is to create a shared vegetable garden to strengthen the parent-school partnership.

Source: Faxinfo