The Executive Council of December 22, 2023 is making a nice gift of study support to the youth of Saint-Martin by deciding to award exceptional aid to 69 BTS students attending the Daniella Jeffry Professional High School and the Robert General and Technological High School. Weinum of Saint-Martin.
By deliberation taken on July 13, 2023, the Community made the choice to financially assist students intending to (continue) their studies outside Saint-Martin. On this basis, 611 students requested and obtained financial aid from the Community valued at €2.903.700. The system is only accessible to these students, those remaining in Saint-Martin can only legally benefit from CROUS aid. Aware of the burden represented by monitoring studies on site, and taking into account the difficulties encountered on a daily basis, the Community has decided to grant financial aid by deliberation of December 22, 2023 to 69 students. Set at €3.000 for BTS students enrolled in the two public high schools, the Daniella Jeffry Professional High School and the Robert Weinum General and Technological High School, this support makes it possible in particular to cover the costs linked to the purchase of computer equipment, purchase of bus card and catering. The financing plan for this aid system for the 2023-2024 academic year amounts to €207.000. Of this overall sum, an amount of €175.950 should be reimbursed by the European Social Fund +; the remaining sum payable by the COM is €31.050. _VX
Source: Faxinfo
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