EDUCATION: Boys from Lycée Professionnel Daniella Jeffry pay tribute to women | FAXINFO

As part of the International Women's Rights Day and the fight against violence against women on March 8, several high school students organized an exhibition on this theme. Not insignificant particularity, the artistic realization is signed by young men.

Exhibited in the multipurpose room, the artistic works are divided between paintings by Renar R-VF and poems chosen by several boys from the vocational school. Advocating a message of equality, gratitude and respect, the poems are available in several languages, as is the typical multilingualism of Saint-Martin. The younger generation is made aware on a daily basis of the importance of respecting others, and particularly the female gender in the school environment.

Thanks to this intervention carried out by the boys who did not lack symbolism in their artistic choices, the young women of the Daniella Jeffry vocational high school receive the recognition that is due to them. If the international day of women's rights should not be limited to March 8, the mobilization is daily within the school establishment. Through canvases representing, among other things, the independent woman and the mother, as well as poems hailing the existence of this powerful being as a whole, male high school students become fully aware of the indispensable role of their female counterparts in society, of its strength , his selflessness and his resilience. Congratulations for this initiative which once again proves the power of art in the process of raising awareness among the young generation. _Vx

Source: Faxinfo