EDUCATION: Mont des Accords middle school students meet writer Pierre-André Théodore | FAXINFO

As part of School Perseverance Week, Ange-Marie Venthou-Dumaine, librarian teacher at the college, organizes several meetings between college students and writers. Pierre-André Théodore, a Haitian author who grew up in Guadeloupe, was the first to discuss with the young people of Saint-Martin this Monday, February 27.

The room in the Center for Documentation and Information at the Collège du Mont des Accords was filled with third- and fourth-grade schoolchildren, more than seventy young people eager to meet the writer of the book entitled "  And you can lift this world! From victim to victorious, my twelve tips” published by Harmattan. For Pierre-André Théodore, “this book is for all people who lack self-confidence and who need to be resilient. This faculty which is offered to us, us humans, to bounce back after failures, to find the necessary resources in ourselves to move forward”. In the form of a question-and-answer game, the students discovered some features of the artist whose main job is an aeronautical technician, in charge of two types of aircraft including the Boeing 787. Suffering from dyslexia and dysorthographia, Pierre -André Théodore shared his experience and his difficulties with college students, stressing the importance of believing in his dreams and setting goals with a discipline that he particularly acquired by practicing high-level athletics. Also a globetrotter and singer whose talents were demonstrated at the end of the meeting, the writer confided to the assembly that the writing process was difficult for him. If writing a book was not a deep desire in view of the cognitive difficulties of the person concerned, the fact of taking action allowed him to take up a personal challenge while sharing with his readers his atypical and inspiring life course. , this determination to surpass himself and push his own limits, even when others did not believe in him. With 275 pages and around fifty chapters, it took three years for “And you can lift this world! is born, at a rate of two hours of daily writing. A real lesson in life, passion and self-esteem, the meeting between Pierre-André Théodore and the college students will remain etched in everyone's memories. After several direct interactions with the young people, the writer proceeded with a general positive affirmation exercise. Chanting shock phrases like “I am determined”, “I will succeed” or even strong words like “determination, motivation, courage”, the assembly shouted its rage to live and succeed. _Vx

More info about the writer:

Source: Faxinfo