EDUCATION: Students from Grande Section to CM2 gathered at Galion for the School Cross | FAXINFO

In mid-December, the 2023 Cross of Saint-Martin schools took place on the Galion site. This sports meeting organized by the USEP and National Education allowed students from the Grande Section to CM2 to come together to participate together in a friendly moment combining effort and pleasure.

This means a total of 252 elementary school students and 48 kindergarten students who were able to give the best of themselves on an exceptional, mainly sandy site.

1 lap for the little ones, 2 laps for the older ones (cycle 2 and 3), whatever, they all took the start to give the best of themselves and succeeded.

The National Education Services of the Northern Islands congratulate all these students for their motivation, their work and their sportsmanship as well as the teachers and support staff (parents and school staff) for their supervision and active participation.

In this year of the 2024 Olympic Games, they all proudly lived this motto: “Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together”.

Long live 2024, a great sporting year ahead!

Source: Faxinfo