The Saint-Martin Pôle Emploi agency organized a job dating on Monday, May 15, for the opening of the hardware store "Orleans Home Good and Hardware Store", which is scheduled to open in June.
During this recruitment session, 82 job seekers were interviewed for the 19 positions offered by the company (salespersons, cashiers, handlers and controllers).
In addition to job dating, Pôle Emploi supports the company by deploying its aid and measures. Pre-recruitment training actions (AFPR) will thus be set up to train cashiers in the company's software and handlers in CACES.
This measure allows the company to benefit from support and financial assistance to provide the necessary qualifications and training to its employees as part of their recruitment.
Pôle Emploi also mobilizes “l'Emploi franc”, financial aid of up to €15 to facilitate the hiring of job seekers residing in Priority Areas for Urban Policy (QPV). Thus, the entire service offer dedicated to companies is mobilized to satisfy recruitment and accelerate the return to employment. _AF
Source: Faxinfo
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