ENGLISH BOXING / Critérium Minimes/Cadets Garçons: great performance from the three SXM clubs in mainland France | FAXINFO

A delegation composed  of the three clubs from Saint-Martin was traveling to Bourges (Region-Centre Val de Loire) from May 3 to 5 for the Critérium de Boxe Anglaise Minimes/Cadets Garçons.

Under the aegis of the French Boxing Federation (FFB), this competition brought together more than three hundred boxers who competed for two days in a CREPS room, equipped with four rings. Boxers from ABC Intersports, Orléans Boxing Club SXM and Sandy Ground Boxing Club brilliantly represented the “Friendly Island”, leaving a great impression during the various exchanges. The opportunity also for young Saint-Martin boxers to compare their levels to those of their counterparts in France.


A big gala boxing on May 18

Despite his size and age which placed him out of category, Luigi Losi, 11 years old and weighing 38 kg, achieved the feat of fighting a young 12 year old boxer weighing 56 kg. This unofficial meeting nevertheless aroused great enthusiasm among a large audience as well as the officials, who warmly applauded the performance of our young Saint-Martin resident, member of the “Orléans Boxing Club SXM”. According to the unanimous opinion of the judges, little Luigi Losi largely won his fight. The doors to a promising future within the Noble Art are open to him, it is now up to him to make this hope a reality.

The many boxing enthusiasts on the island will certainly have the opportunity to discover the talents of the young gem from Saint-Martin during the big gala organized by the ABC Intersport club next Saturday, May 18 at the Halle des Sports. Reservation of places on 06 90 35 15 01. _AF

Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/boxe-anglaise-criterium-minimes-cadets-garcons-belle-prestation-des-trois-clubs-de-sxm-en-metropole/