At the end of 2023, the Women Business Leaders (FCE) Saint-Martin & Saint-Barthélemy organization enthusiastically celebrated its second year of existence, after a first year full of inspiring meetings and fruitful exchanges.

The local delegation is proud to announce the composition of its new office, bringing a diversity of experiences and a renewed commitment to promoting female entrepreneurship in the region. Gathered 'Chez Maguy' at Hope Estate this Tuesday, February 6, the assembly of women attended the presentation of the new office whose presidency is still entrusted to the irreplaceable Mélanie Dal Gobbo (founder of Art For Science): Melody Dandre, specialist in general medicine and creator of the Le Lys Blanc health and care center in Bellevue, is entrusted with the vice-president of FCE SXM/SBH, which she shares with Marie-Angèle Coudrieu, business manager. The position of general secretary now belongs to Bahia Yacine, president of the Tera association and founder of Sarabi Consulting, known and recognized in the territory. Before formalizing the new office which embodies the diversity and determination of women entrepreneurs in the region to contribute to the economic and social development of Saint-Martin, Mélanie Dal Gobbo wanted to pay tribute to the hard work carried out by Tania Portas, Pascaline Montagne and Jennifer Vignau, members of the former office. The event last Tuesday 6 continued with the unveiling of the program for the year 2024, including a variety of initiatives such as strategic partnerships, collaborative workshops or breakfast discussions. More than ten meetings are planned, open to all, members and non-members, with the aim of developing the 2024 theme: The Win Mindset. This common theme refers to a positive and success-oriented mentality. “It is a way of thinking and approaching challenges with confidence, determination and resilience, focusing on opportunities rather than obstacles. » explained Mélanie Dal Gobbo.

This mindset also involves the ability to learn from failures, to bounce back from difficulties and to persevere to achieve your goals. “In summary, having a Win Mindset means adopting a proactive, optimistic and success-focused attitude, which can help inspire motivation, productivity and success in various aspects of professional and personal life” confided Bahia Yacine , FCE general secretary. _VX

Facebook and Linkedin information:

FCE Saint-Martin / Saint-Barth

Instagram: @fce_sxmsbh


Be an OTF

Joining a Women Business Leaders (WBE) network has many benefits and can be a strategic decision for women entrepreneurs through the networking opportunities allowing members to benefit from the support and mentorship of other women who have already traveled the path to entrepreneurship. Apart from providing resources, the FCE network also helps build confidence and your self-esteem as an entrepreneur by sharing experiences and can even give the courage to take risks, explore new ideas or pursue his ambitions with determination. In 2023, more than 15 members joined the local delegation and more than 230 women benefited from sessions open to all. All women in positions of responsibility or business leaders are invited to join FCE in this exciting and enriching adventure.

Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/entrepreunariat-fce-sxm-sbh-nouvelle-annee-nouveau-bureau/