ENVIRONMENT: Green energy at the heart of discussions with the Ensolus association | FAXINFO

The Ensolus “Think Tank” organized a conference on the green energy transition on March 15 and 16 in Saint-Martin. The objective of Ensolus is to awaken the entire chain, from education and research to consumption.

Last Friday, March 15, Dr. Eustase Janky (former President of the University of the Antilles) spoke and insisted on the importance of education and knowledge to be diverted into the green energy transition. Ensolus places the greatest importance on training for different job prospects. This is done from the first step which trains our young generation in the right direction and the needs of our island.

The conference on awakening students towards a green future took place at the Cité Scolaire Robert Weinum, in which students participated in large numbers and were curious and enthusiastic about the future of our only planet as well as 'to its preservation through the green energy transition.

On Saturday March 16, the conference was held for local businessmen and the general public in the premises of the CCISM with the theme of intervention "the challenges and perspectives for the implementation of renewable energies in our small territories islanders”. Several personalities moderated the conference including Clara Brander, Architect DPLG, President of the Association of Architects of Saint-Martin and Treasurer of the Ensolus association, who introduced the first remarks on the challenges and prospects of energy autonomy

Murielle Mathias-Planques, Director of the CEPAC agencies in Saint-Barth and Saint-Martin, spoke about green financing in the Northern Islands and in particular the notable progress made in Saint-Barthélemy.

For her part, Sabrina Charville, Director of Quality and Sustainable Development at Grand-Case Airport, discussed EDEIS' ecological commitment to the airports it manages, and particularly in Grand-Case.


Several personalities coming expressly from Guadeloupe

Dr. Eustase Janky, Former President of the University of the Antilles who encouraged our young people to embrace careers linked to the development of renewable energies, spoke about existing training at the University of the Antilles and advised interested future students (Parcoursup ).

For his part, Ted Soubdhan, physicist at the University of the West Indies, head of the Master's degree "Energy management in smart cities", spoke about domestic solar installations, industrial hydrogen installations and how to mix these three types energy to maintain energy supply.

Bernadette Davis, 2nd vice-president in charge of the Environment, Dominique Louisy, 3rd vice-president in charge of Human Development, Daniel Gibbs and Marie-Dominique Ramphort, Territorial Advisors were present on this occasion to express their interest in the need for the green energy transition. Bernadette Davis encouraged and supported the initiative in her final remarks.

Raj Charbhe, President of the Ensolus “Think Tank” and Guillaume Arnell, former senator, were very satisfied with the response from the population and will soon announce future programs, still on the green energy transition in Saint-Martin.

Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/environnement-lenergie-verte-au-coeur-des-discussions-avec-lassociation-ensolus/