This multi-fund annual committee, co-chaired by the Prefect, Vincent Berton and the President of the Community, Louis Mussington, met on March 18 and 19 in the presence of a delegation from the European Commission led by Jordy Torrebadella Aguila, head of The deputy unit of DG REGIO and representatives of the services of the Ministry of Labor (DGEFP), the Ministry of Overseas Territories (DGOM), and the Secretary General for Regional Affairs representing the Prefect of the Guadeloupe region Yves Dareau, made it possible to ensure the proper execution of European programs in the territory.
Monday March 18 was dedicated to technical meetings and visits to projects financed or co-financed by European funds. Tuesday, March 19, the plenary session was held in the presence of all the members of the European funds monitoring committee in Saint-Martin. Among those present were the Member of Parliament for Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin, Frantz Gumbs, the 4th Vice-President of the Community, Michel Petit, the territorial advisor and member of the executive council, Martine Beldor, the President of the Interprofessional Consular Chamber of Saint-Martin, Angèle Dormoy. The work focused on the progress of the four European funds managed or instructed in the territory for the two current programs: 2014-2020 and 2021-2027.
2014-2020 programming:
• European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2014-2020: €73
• European Social Fund (ESF) 2014-2020: €16
• European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) 2014-2020: €3
• European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) Leader 2014 – 2022: €2
2021-2027 programming:
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2021-2027:
The program has 4 priorities:
Priority 1: “Develop an innovative and competitive regional economy by creating an environment conducive to the development of research on Caribbean biodiversity, the consolidation of the local entrepreneurial fabric and support for innovation in the territory”: Envelope of 17,98 million €
Priority 2: “Promote a green regional territory through economical and more efficient management of resources promoting the circular economy and clean energies, the prevention and management of natural risks as well as the restoration, protection and enhancement of biodiversity”: envelope of 21,42 €XNUMX million.
Priority 3: “Ensure the upscaling and development of competitive transport infrastructure in order to reduce the constraints linked to the outermost periphery”: envelope of €7,6 million.
Priority 4: “Providing the territory with modern infrastructure for an inclusive society”: envelope of €11,8 million.
This program therefore represents a total envelope of €58,8 million for Saint-Martin over the period 2021-2027.
European Social Fund (ESF+) 2021-2027:
The program has 7 priorities:
Priority 1: “Promote the professional integration and social inclusion of people furthest from the labor market and the most vulnerable/or excluded” with a budget of €4,2M
Priority 2: “Strengthening youth employment and educational success” with a budget of €4,27 million;
Priority 3: “Improving skills and education, vocational training and guidance systems to better anticipate and support economic changes” with a budget of €8,35 million
Priority 4: “Promote an inclusive labor market and a suitable and healthy working environment” with a budget of €0,75M
Priority 5: “Material aid to the most deprived” with a budget of €0,5M
Priority 6: “Promote social innovation and the spread of innovative systems” with a budget of €0,3M
Priority 7: “Response to the specific challenges of the outermost regions” with a budget of €2,47 million
This program therefore represents a total envelope of €20,85 million over the period 2021-2027.
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) 2023-2027: €2.
For the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFFA) 2021-2027: 3 108 000 €
Source: Faxinfo
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