FESTIVITIES / The Christmas market at Howell Center: let’s support the local economy | FAXINFO

This Saturday, December 14, Howell Center will vibrate to the rhythm of the holidays thanks to the Christmas market organized by the Interprofessional Consular Chamber of Saint-Martin (CCISM). This event, under the Spotlight label, aims to revitalize the commercial area and allow you to discover the wealth of local products and services.

As part of its "Be Loyal, Buy Local" campaign, the CCISM is multiplying initiatives to encourage residents to favor local businesses and artisans. With a variety of stands, this Christmas market will highlight artisanal creations and original gift ideas. A magical atmosphere will be on the agenda, with entertainment provided by a magic elf from 11 a.m. to 17 p.m. and thanks to decorations funded by the CCISM, which will continue until January 2. In addition to the Christmas market, the CCISM is continuing its efforts with a digital Advent calendar, showcasing local products every day in December, and specific actions to promote crafts. These initiatives demonstrate a strong commitment to preserving employment and stimulating the local economy. Tomorrow, come to the Howell Center to celebrate the holidays while supporting Saint-Martin's economic players. _VX


Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/festivites-le-marche-de-noel-a-howell-center-soutenons-leconomie-locale/