On February 26, the port authority of the commercial port of Galisbay and the Community of Saint-Martin organized the inaugural meeting of the preliminary consultation within the framework of the extension project of the port of Galisbay. The closing meeting will be held this Friday, April 12 from 17 p.m. to 20 p.m. at the CCISM.
As a reminder, this extension project is carried out by the port establishment of Saint-Martin (EPSM), commonly known as “Port of Galisbay”. The Community co-seized the National Commission for Public Debate (CNDP) with the port authority on the extension project in order to build a shared vision of the development project and the territorial project in which it is part. The preliminary consultation therefore began on February 26 and will continue until April 22. Since the inaugural evening, eight thematic workshops took place from February 27 to March 22, 2024, addressing subjects such as global development perspectives, environmental issues, tourism development, impacts on the drinking water plant and the development of trade, still within the framework of the extension of the port of Galisbay. An “Open Port” day was organized on March 16, 2024 where more than 400 people attended the presentation of the project before visiting the Gunilla ship. Without forgetting the mobile debates to meet the Saint-Martin public. This evening, from 17 p.m., the Galisbay port team invites the population to attend the closing meeting and restitution of the prior consultation, at the Maison des Entreprises (CCISM), 10 rue Jean Jacques Fayel. _VX
Information and documents available online: https://www.portdemarigot.com/extension
Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/projet-dextension-du-port-de-galisbay-cloture-de-la-concertation-ce-soir-a-la-ccism/
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