INSERTION: 14 young people in construction training thanks to integration clauses in COM public contracts | FAXINFO

As part of the social integration clauses introduced in public works contracts by the Collectivity of Saint-Martin, 8 young job seekers are currently benefiting from a work-study contract on the construction site of college 900, with the GTM company and the FORE IDN training center.

Keen to create local employment, the Saint-Martin Community has included social integration clauses in its public works contracts. Thus, part of the hours worked on sites managed by the Community are devoted to job seekers looking for professional integration.

As part of the integration clauses, the GTM company, service provider to the Community on the construction of the new 900 middle school in Savane, has hired 8 young people who benefit from a work-study contract on the site. Thanks to this work-study program, the FORE IDN Training Center, a partner of the Community in the field of professional training, provides construction training to 14 participants, preparing them for the profession of formworker.

Supported by the 3rd vice-president in charge of human development, Ms. Dominique DEMOCRITE LOUISY and the territorial advisor in charge of professional training, Ms. Martine BELDOR, these integration clauses through work-study training are a concrete response aimed at promoting local employment and the professionalization of young people in the region.

The Saint-Martin Community thus ensures personalized monitoring of young people in integration throughout their journey in order to help them succeed in their project and integrate sustainably into working life.

This partnership illustrates the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors, as well as the field of training, with the aim of creating sustainable employment opportunities in the territory, in accordance with the commitment of President Louis Mussington and his team. A win-win public-private partnership for our young people, which opens the doors to similar initiatives.

Source: Faxinfo