JUSTICE: A jewelry store robber and an alleged child molester released due to lack of space at Pointe Blanche prison | FAXINFO

Prosecutors have made the decision to release an armed robber who robbed a jewelry store on Front Street two weeks ago, as well as a man arrested last Sunday, accused of abusing two 14-year-old girls.

Due to lack of space at Pointe Blanche prison, the Sint Maarten prosecutor's office had no choice but to release two individuals who were in pre-trial detention for dangerous crimes.

These early releases come since the Minister of Justice chose to place the Philipsburg detention cells under the responsibility of the police and no longer the prison administration. Since this change, suspects must leave police holding cells ten days after their arrest and be taken to the Pointe Blanche prison, which is full. Find the mistake ! _AF

Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/justice-un-braqueur-de-bijouterie-et-un-agresseur-denfants-presume-relaches-faute-de-place-a-la-prison-de-pointe-blanche/