It is within the framework of the Territorial Training System set up by the Collectivity of Saint-Martin thanks to funding from the European Social Fund (ESF), that the DEJEPS Development Projects Territory Networks diploma was initiated by the CREPS Antilles Guyane in collaboration with GRETA of Saint-Martin.
This training, held from October 17, 2022 to November 17, 2023, mobilized a workforce of 12 candidates who alternated between different structures in the territory for the implementation of concrete projects. In January 2023, the trainees carried out their diagnosis of the territory, detailed among others to elected officials of the Community, to the Regional Academic Directorate for Youth and Sports (DRAJES) as well as to service directors. Drawing on their acquired knowledge, they then formulated project proposals presented to the press last June. The closing of this training was held on November 17 at the Grand Case Beach Club Hotel. The participants demonstrated their ability to carry out large-scale projects: opening of events in Grand-Ilet, revitalization of a Family neighborhood, offering of a sports school, 4 minutes to save a life – awareness of the use of a defibrillator, strengthening team cohesion, Youth actions, first entertainment fair, the return of “Friendly Welcome”, solidarity holidays, on the way to a healthy lifestyle-Nutrition and Physical Activity (CTOS). This training, coordinated by Françoise Germain who received the symbolic title of “best trainer” by the trainees, represents a first in the region in terms of a Bac +2 level Diploma.
The results obtained are particularly encouraging for the future, opening the way to new opportunities for local players. Of the 10 candidates who took the certification tests, seven of them managed to validate the diploma in its entirety. The teaching team would like to thank the reception structures and tutors who participated in carrying out the training orchestrated by the relevant department of the Community. Congratulations to the new graduates for their success, they are on their way to becoming key players in the future development of our territory. _VX
Source: Faxinfo
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