LOCAL LIFE: The SNSM of Saint-Martin presents at the nautical flea markets and at the Marigot clearance sale | FAXINFO

Always present in community life, volunteers from the SNSM of Saint-Martin took part on April 6 in the nautical fleas organized at the Time Out Board Yard and also in the flea market for Marigot traders.

With great enthusiasm, Régine, Alain, Nicolas, Maxime and Emmanuel gave their energy and their time to make this day a success. As a reminder, the National Sea Rescue Society is an association financed solely by donations as well as by certain operations such as clearance sales, nautical fleas and Grand-Case Tuesdays.

The SNSM would like to take this opportunity to warmly thank all the people who visited the stands and purchased items and other goodies while learning about its various rescue missions. _AF

Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/vie-locale-la-snsm-de-saint-martin-presente-aux-puces-nautiques-et-a-la-braderie-de-marigot/