Métimer: Second part of the 2024 action calendar | FAXINFO

Gathered at the Marigot Yacht Club last week, several members of Métimer presented the 2024 events of the association dedicated to boating, of which here is the second part (see first part in our yesterday's edition).

After the announcements of the Whale Festival and the unprecedented participation of young people from the Robert Weinum high school in the Heineken Regatta, Métimer is planning the major maritime careers forum for the end of March, the last edition of which was held in 2022. Organized with the support of the Collectivity of Saint-Martin and France Travail (formerly Pôle Emploi) with more in-depth targeted action, the maritime professions forum aims to encourage vocations and generate training and jobs in the maritime sector. boating which still lacks appeal among young Saint-Martin residents. The association intends to offer partners a new attractive form for young people given the lack of interest in the four maritime training courses set up by France Travail. Promotional videos with emblematic figures of Saint-Martin boating will be produced and used in the training fairs. “Tour buses” will also be organized in groups of 5 to 10 people to tour boating companies or even board a boat. During the maritime careers forum, an evening will be dedicated to meetings between participating entrepreneurs and people interested in the nautical sector. The latter will have the possibility of joining one of these companies as an intern for a period of one to four weeks (observation internship), knowing that job seekers do not lose their rights and will benefit from a integration into the company. At the same time, entrepreneurs will be fully informed of available aid and work-study schemes. A business creation course for young people is also on the program for a complete circuit between training and employment. Another great action for Métimer in 2024: the 13th edition of the Fête de la Mer in Grand-Case. During this year of change during which Béatrice Wojcik will hand over the presidency of the association, the 2024 Sea Festival is indeed not to be missed this year. Many low-cost boating-related activities will await young and old alike next June. At the end of the year, boating stakeholders wish to repeat the Xmas Boat Party, the first edition of which was held last December on the initiative of Captain Jo: “This event, organized in partnership with the Tourist Office, was well seen and spoke to elected officials, with eight boats decorated with Christmas garlands joined by certain boaters, it is an action that we will do again” concluded the president of Métimer. _VX

Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/metimer-second-volet-du-calendrier-des-actions-2024/