Djinn (HASHTAG Store)
“Honestly, we are enjoying good momentum in terms of tourist numbers. We also work well with local customers. In short, we have nothing to complain about. The return of cruise passengers to the island is a plus for us traders. We are happy to find Americans, Canadians, Metropolitans and other tourists from Latin America returning in large numbers to the “Friendly Island”. The organization of the Gastronomy Festival was the start of the high season for us. It's a shame that downtown Marigot doesn't have more parking spaces to accommodate the influx of tourists, not forgetting the locals.
Lou (Boutique LA BOÎTE À TÉ SXM)
“I will answer your question yes and no. Yes because the various actions carried out by the Marigot traders' association have borne fruit. We have had a resurgence of activity since the beginning of last December. Which is very positive. I answer no now to your question because all the tourists present on the Seafront never or almost never come to the city center. It would be wise for the Tourist Office to carry out a campaign to attract the many people passing through the island to Marigot and in particular to rue Général de Gaulle and its surroundings. A little signposted route would be great to show them where we are! »
Fritz (Boutique 978 GENTS)
“I will answer you honestly: the month of January was catastrophic, that's not too strong a word! Certainly, I worked relatively well last December but since the end of year holidays, we have been far from that goal. The inflation that everyone experiences on a daily basis encourages customers to make choices when shopping. It's all a question of purchasing power! These days, many people have priorities other than buying a t-shirt at a certain price. You have to understand them too. Fortunately, I can count on my local customers who are always loyal. I would like to take this opportunity to thank her! » _AF
Source: Faxinfo
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