MICRO-SIDEWALK: What would you like to see develop further in the area for young people? | FAXINFO

Aliana (second class Bac Pro Support, care and personal services (ASSP))

“I find that there is not enough diversity in the choice of studies for the youth of Saint-Martin. After obtaining the baccalaureate, it is difficult to continue your studies in the region. The sectors are more than limited! However, not everyone has the possibility and especially the financial means to continue their studies in mainland France, in Canada or in the United States!

Otherwise, outside of school periods, there are not many activities to keep young people busy. Concerning young children, it would be nice to open leisure parks, places where life is good and where everyone can have fun in complete safety. Many young people would also like to go to summer camp in the summer. Again, there is not room for everyone. It's regrettable! »



“At the Daniella Jeffry vocational high school, the career choices for girls are limited. I hope that in the near future, more courses will be offered to students. Many young girls in Saint-Martin would like to follow training in aesthetics, cosmetics, hairdressing and beauty. I remain convinced that the success rate of exams in these sectors would be very high! I don't understand why the vocational school still doesn't offer this kind of training every school year. We need to think about young people and above all listen to them more. Furthermore, many of us would like to find a summer job related to children who need to flourish, to let off steam in the fresh air instead of staying cooped up at home every day playing video games! »





“For my part, I want to highlight cycling in Saint-Martin. However, we must admit that it is not easy to practice your favorite sport on the island! I am licensed at AS Marigot. Our leaders do everything they can to ensure that we can train in the best possible conditions. That being said, we encounter a lot of problems, especially in terms of road safety. This is why we train very early in the morning, especially on Saturdays around 6 a.m. It's too dangerous to cycle when everyone uses the road network. Almost no one respects the highway code. We must exercise great vigilance to avoid falls. The state of the roads doesn't help. I hope that elected officials will have heard my message and will ensure that our training conditions are improved. Long live cycling in Saint-Martin! » _AF

Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/micro-trottoir-quaimeriez-vous-voir-se-developper-davantage-sur-le-territoire-en-faveur-de-la-jeunesse/