MISCELLANEOUS EVENT / Saint-Barthélemy: a gendarme hit by a two-wheeler after refusing to comply | FAXINFO

Last Saturday March 9, at 18:45 p.m., the driver of a two-wheeled vehicle refused to stop during a road check in Lorient. While fleeing, he hit a gendarmerie soldier and injured the latter.

The driver was finally arrested by the police and will be brought before the courts. The delegated prefect of Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin, Vincent Berton strongly condemns this irresponsible, undignified and potentially murderous behavior which could have had dramatic consequences. He salutes the courage and composure of the gendarmes involved in this intervention and assures them of his full support.

Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/fait-divers-saint-barthelemy-un-gendarme-percute-par-un-deux-roues-apres-un-refus-dobtemperer/