On the night of Saturday to Sunday, the Sandy Ground district was the scene of a shooting. At around 1:15 a.m., three hooded individuals in a vehicle opened fire on a group of young people gathered on the side of the road. Two teenagers, aged 14 and 16, were injured.
The firefighters intervened quickly, accompanied by a SMUR team. One of the young people, hit by 5 bullets, mostly in the pelvic area, was evacuated as a matter of urgency with the assistance of a doctor and has since been transferred to Martinique for surgery. The 16-year-old teenager, injured in the hand and back, was transported as a matter of urgency. Fortunately, the prognosis of the two victims is not in danger. The gendarmerie, mobilizing the brigades of Marigot, Espérance, the Gendarmerie Surveillance and Intervention Platoon (PSIG) and the Research Section, secured the area to make the initial findings. They took place calmly. The investigation, entrusted to the Public Prosecutor's Office, is underway to identify the perpetrators of this attack. The circumstances of this incident which plunged the neighborhood into turmoil remain unclear, but the authorities hope to move forward quickly. _VX
Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/faits-divers-tirs-a-sandy-ground-deux-adolescents-blesses/
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