ORIENTATION: High school and middle school students discovering the air and space forces | FAXINFO

On Wednesday, December 4, Grand-Case airport came alive with the presentation of a CASA CN-235 military aircraft, deployed from the Cayenne air base. This light tactical aircraft, capable of transporting up to 5 tons of equipment or 43 passengers over a distance of 3500 km, has attracted the interest of young Saint-Martinois looking for career guidance.

“We want to make our world, our missions and the career opportunities in the Air and Space Force known,” explained Chief Warrant Officer Frédéric Schwebel, recruitment advisor. Each year, the institution offers 4000 positions, accessible to 17-30 year-olds, with or without a diploma: “We train our recruits in 13 fields, ranging from mechanics to cybersecurity, including fire safety and intelligence related to satellite operations.”

Claire, a CASA pilot, enthusiastically testified: “Yesterday I was in Guyana, I arrived this morning in Saint-Martin. Traveling is part of our daily life. Our training takes place in mainland France, but the missions extend all over the world, including overseas. If you like adventure and discovering new horizons, the Air and Space Force is for you!”

With 25% of female personnel, this institution is the most feminized army in France and a leader in Europe. Its ambition? To train and deploy talents in jobs of the future, while inspiring young people. _AK

For more information: devenir-aviateur.fr

Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/orientation-lyceens-et-collegiens-a-la-decouverte-de-larmee-de-lair-et-de-lespace/