The residents of Sandy Ground were invited on Friday January 26 to attend a public information meeting co-chaired by the prefect of the Northern Islands, Vincent Berton and the president of the Community Louis Mussington.
For more than three hours, subjects that were so important for the better well-being of the residents of Sandy Ground were discussed, including rehabilitation work planned in the short, medium and long term in different sectors.
The first topic on the evening's program was the presentation of the “Mangrove” project by Antoine Gomes, partner and manager of Coco Beach in Orient Bay. This project aims to train 100 apprentices (from 16 years old) in the restaurant and hotel industry during the low tourist season. From May to August, the apprentices will be trained in the high-end beach restaurant, the objective being to teach them with renowned chefs all the technical specificities linked to their future profession. During their training at Coco Beach, recruiting restaurants will be invited so that they can discover and hire their future apprentices in a real service situation.
Delivery of the Albéric Richards stadium in 2026
Then came the turn of José Carti from the Cadre de Vie delegation to present the various rehabilitation works of the sports platform, the MJC and the reconstruction of the Albéric Richards stadium.
Concerning the sports area, emergency work will be carried out with the securing of entrances through gates. The construction of toilets is also planned as well as the covering of the main plateau. Note that negotiations are underway to acquire a plot of 700 m2 for the expansion of the sports infrastructure.
As for the Albéric Richards stadium, the many athletes on the island will have to wait around two more years before being able to practice their favorite sport in this venue. The start of work is scheduled for May 2025 with delivery scheduled not before November 2026.
The rehabilitation of the MJC will begin with asbestos removal then demolition of the cinema and catering room. A new activity hall with a capacity of 500 places will then be built as a replacement. For the moment, nothing has been confirmed for the establishment of a new cinema hall. To the great dismay of the large audience present in the Aline Hanson school room.
Otherwise, the long-awaited installation of public lighting between the Sandy Ground bridge and the Marigot cemetery should be carried out in 2024 and in 2025 for Lady Fish Street. Still on the same Lady Fish street, road repair work will take place in September 2024 as will the renovation of the household waste collection points.
Furthermore, the ANRU, National Urban Renovation Agency, will be mobilized as technical assistance to support the Community in its urban renewal process in the two priority districts of Sandy Ground and Quartier d'Orléans. A mission will travel to Saint-Martin from March 12 to 21, 2024, to meet the residents of the neighborhood, the members of the neighborhood council, the active forces, the associative structures in order to carry out a field diagnosis.
Creating a position police-gendarmerie
Another important subject discussed during the information meeting which is particularly close to the hearts of the inhabitants of Sandy Ground, the question of access to property and the regularization of homes located within 50 geometric steps. As such, a public meeting specifically on this theme will be organized again within a month within the district with the presence of the State Community services.
Finally, the opening of a police-gendarmerie station in September 2024 was officially announced by the director of the Territorial Police, Thierry Verres and Colonel Maxime Wintzer-Wehekind, commander of the gendarmerie of Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin . This new police station will be located on the main road, just before the basketball court. Ten police officers and six gendarmes will work together on a daily basis to ensure security, in close collaboration with local residents.
At the end of the meeting, Vincent Berton and Louis Mussington expressed the wish to renew this type of exchange with the population on current and future projects in the different districts of the territory. Which is a very good decision. _AF
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