RECRUITMENT: Tests organized on November 18 to become a volunteer firefighter | FAXINFO

The Community of Saint-Martin informs the public of the organization, on Saturday November 18, 2023, of tests with a view to engaging volunteer firefighters.

Administrative files must be submitted to the Saint Martin fire and rescue center or by email:; until November 9, 2023 (deadline). After this date no applications will be accepted.

  These files include:

– Copy of the valid Passport or Identity Document

– A cover letter

– A Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Candidates are invited to tests which are composed of:

– Sports events : (50m swimming, Light Luc Test and/or VAMEVAL, Flexibility, Pumps, Killy, Strength training.

– Written tests: French and Mathematics at college level (without calculator)

– An interview with a jury

– A fitness medical examination

These tests are open to people of French nationality and aged 18 on January 1 of the year of the tests.

In addition, a medical certificate dated less than three (3) months attesting to fitness for sport and swimming will be required. Candidates must provide in their file a telephone contact, an email address and confirm the exact address of their home. No incomplete files will be accepted.

Note that twenty volunteer firefighters will be recruited during the 2023-24 period. The Savane barracks currently has sixty volunteer firefighters. _AF

Source: Faxinfo