During the extended weekend of May 6, 7 and 8, 2023, the gendarmerie and the prefecture services intervened on several undeclared evenings and noted several breaches of the regulations in force concerning establishments open to the public (ERP) and the organization of events likely to bring together a large audience.
If the festivities represent a major asset for our island and contribute to its tourist attractiveness, essential rules must be respected to ensure the safety of people. In this context, for any setting up of a festive event intended to welcome a large audience, the organizers are reminded to approach the services of the community and the prefecture in order to be accompanied in the procedures. This same obligation applies to the managers of beverage concessions organizing an event welcoming a public greater than their ERP authorisation.
Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/reglementation-evenements-festifs-non-declares-la-prefecture-appelle-au-respect-des-regles-de-securite/
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