ROAD SAFETY: Be careful, danger on the Bellevue straight! | FAXINFO

While the road network is already well saturated on the island even before the start of the tourist season, many motorists believe they are free to drive! This is evidenced by the number of blatant incivilities observed every day on the Bellevue straight.

A section of road that is very often congested during rush hours where several drivers do not hesitate to swerve to the right, thus endangering the lives of other motorists, and especially that of cyclists and runners doing their daily jogging.

Faced with this high-risk behavior, the territorial police and the gendarmerie have strengthened controls. Several motorists were caught by the patrol! As a reminder, these crazy drivers who endanger the lives of others risk a 4th class fine of 90 euros as well as the removal of 3 points from their driving license. The fact remains that these sanctions do not seem to worry them that much, this same type of incivility recurring every day.

To combat this irresponsible and extremely dangerous behavior, the technical services of the Community have installed new plastic blocks. Unfortunately, each year, these same plots have a relatively low life expectancy. Not a single block over the 2km has not been touched, struck or laid down or even torn off by trucks or other vehicles. It is therefore not easy to find a lasting solution for local authorities. Unless you install concrete pads which on the other hand can be dangerous in the event of

Source: Faxinfo