After speed and alcohol, the use of narcotics is the third risk factor while driving. What does the law say on the subject and above all what are the penalties for offenders?
In 2022, the gendarmes of Guadeloupe and the Northern Islands carried out 2331 drug screenings and recorded 727 offences. Figures up from 2021.
During checks, the police use a saliva test to detect the taking of narcotics: cannabis, cocaine, LSD, ecstasy, opiates and amphetamines. If it is positive, the taking of narcotics is verified by a saliva or blood sample.
As a reminder, driving under the influence of narcotics is an offense punishable by a fine of €4 and 500 years in prison.
The driver risks up to 7 years in prison and a €100 fine if he is responsible for a bodily accident (injuries) and up to 000 years in prison and a €10 fine in the event of an accident deadly.
Six points are deducted from the driving license, not to mention possible additional penalties (suspension or cancellation of the license for a maximum period of 3 years, confiscation of the vehicle, etc.).
Source: Faxinfo
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