In its pelagic sargassum stranding monitoring and forecasting bulletin for the northern islands released last Thursday, Météo France raised the level of risk to high for the territory of Saint-Martin. Saint-Barthélemy remains at medium risk.
After a short period of respite after a particularly productive start to the season, sargassum groundings are expected to redouble in the coming days. The situation does not change significantly on the Atlantic. The detections are consistent everywhere to the east of the Caribbean arc, over more than 2000 kilometers. The supply of Sargassum is therefore substantial and almost uninterrupted. Groundings around the Northern Islands are ongoing and will continue, according to analysis of satellite images from April 8 to 12, 2023. In a dominant easterly flow, many small rafts often organized into small filaments, especially in the East to North-East of Saint-Martin and East of Saint-Barthélemy, are pushed towards the two French islands and the neighboring channels. They are the source of a more or less continuous arrival on the east coast of the two territories. The risk of groundings remains substantial for the entire Caribbean arc over the coming weeks. Still little or no notable risk near Guyana. On April 13, a new reading of measurements of the concentration of H2S and NH3 over 24 hours relating to the groundings of Sargassum seaweed was carried out in the Baie de Cul-de-Sac, in Orient Bay opposite the residence Mont Vernon, Quartier d'Orléans (Coralita Road) and Lucas Bay. The measurements on the Cul-de-Sac site 5 meters from the strandings are 2,4ppm and 1,1ppm at the level of the dwellings. For the general population, it is recommended to stay away from areas affected by strandings of decaying algae. In case of symptoms (itchy eyes or throat, watery eyes, headaches, difficulty breathing, cough, itching, vomiting, dizziness), contact your doctor or pharmacist. For vulnerable people (infants, young children, pregnant women, elderly people, asthmatics, suffering from cardiovascular disease, respiratory failure or severe allergies), it is recommended not to stay downwind of gas emissions and avoid exposure to other irritating and/or allergenic substances (tobacco smoke, etc.) In the event of symptoms (itchy eyes or throat, watery eyes, headaches, difficulty breathing, cough, itching, vomiting, dizziness), contact your doctor or pharmacist. The other areas observe measurements below the detection threshold, therefore without health effects over the period concerned. _Vx
Source: Faxinfo
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