For several weeks, the SAUR Saint-Martin teams have observed a very sharp increase in online losses on the private network of the Orient Bay Park. These daily losses of drinking water are estimated at more than 600 m3 (600 litres) per day, or just under 000% of the current daily production capacity.
The facts being established, it is important to understand that the tensions experienced for too many weeks on the public drinking water supply service are attributable to four major causes:
– A production tool that no longer meets the territorial need in terms of consumption volumes and on which work is planned,
– Overly recurrent “breakages” on the network linked to the dilapidated state of the latter and a lack of renewal,
– Online losses which can be colossal on the private networks of certain condominiums,
– Thefts of water in substantial quantities, on which increased vigilance is now required.
In the specific case of Orient Bay Park, it also appears that the condominium management authorities are cultivating, despite court decisions, a debt, which today reaches €2.8 million; debt which severely affects the investment capacities of the EEASM which, on this amount, is the collector of the various taxes chargeable to the public water service.
Faced with this situation of tension which penalizes all subscribers and especially those who are at the end of the network, SAUR Saint-Martin is forced to drastically reduce the distribution of drinking water in the Orient Bay Park.
Aware of the economic stakes and respectful of the energy deployed by professionals who have not been spared in recent years between Irma, the health crisis, sargassum groundings and the inevitable water cuts, SAUR Saint-Martin will develop beaches Drinking water distribution schedules consistent with the needs of professionals and private subscribers, as follows:
– From 06:00 a.m. to 08:00 a.m.
– From 11:00 a.m. to 14:00 a.m.
– From 17:00 a.m. to 22:00 a.m.
These measures will remain in place as long as the volume of leaks on this private network jeopardizes the supply of the entire territory. SAUR Saint-Martin invites the condominium management authorities to take the exact measure of the situation and to cease all manipulations on the general meter which will be the subject of daily and random readings.
In this period of high temperatures and low rains which lead cistern users to use the public drinking water supply network, it remains important that, collectively and for the benefit of distribution to all, we are vigilant to our use of the resource and respect the restrictive measures taken by order of the President of the Community and still in force.
SAUR Saint-Martin asks those among its subscribers who respect their contractual obligations and civic duties to excuse it for the inconvenience caused by these measures, which have unfortunately been made essential by the behavior of a few…
Source: Faxinfo
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