SOCIETY: Artists’ Week is on! | FAXINFO

From April 11 to 15, the Interprofessional Consular Chamber of Saint-Martin (CCISM) is organizing the first edition of Artists' Week. It began this Tuesday, April 11 with the inauguration in the presence of officials and continues today with various workshops and individual meetings, until this Saturday with the major Art For Science conference.

In partnership with the Collectivité, the Prefecture, the La Condamine association, SACEM, Art For Science and the Maison des Artistes, which is making its first trip to the West Indies here, the CCISM was keen to put artists back at the forefront of the stage. The inauguration began with the anthem of Saint-Martin interpreted by the talented Malaïka Maxwell. In the presence, among others, of Fabien Sésé, secretary general of the prefecture, Dominique Démocrite Louisy, 3rd vice-president of the Collectivité, Valérie Damaseau, president of the culture commission, Charlotte Delsol, in charge of partnerships and development at La Maison des Artists, Mélanie Dal Gobbo, co-founder of the association Art For Science and Pierre Benoit de la Condamine, Angèle Dormoy, president of the CCISM accompanied by her entire team, said she was honored to welcome the public who had come in large numbers to a subject as important as artists and their rights. With the desire to organize and structure the sector of artists in the territory of Saint-Martin, the CCISM called on the Maison des Artistes to participate in this week: "it is a strong signal for us, for the powers public, in order to demonstrate that your art has value and richness. It's time to look at our artists differently and take them seriously," declared Angèle Dormoy to the artists present, including Kaël Fazer, graphic designer from Sandy Ground, several of whose works were exhibited in the conference room during the inauguration of the week of artists. The latter underlined the importance of having visibility on artistic works and of inspiring young people, welcoming the actions of the Wall Art Saint-Martin collective led by Donovan Tremor and Espa. During his speech, Fabien Sésé renewed the State's attachment to culture and to the artists of the territory, who are, for him, at the center of cultural creation: "the status of artists is important, as is their professionalization . Many talents, including among the youth of Saint-Martin, do not spontaneously think of making a career out of it when the prospects for the future are concrete”. Charlotte Delsol of the Maison des Artistes, which has 19.000 members in France, then intervened to present the different statuses and rights of artists in the form of questions and answers with the public. Artists' Week continues this Friday and Saturday at the CCISM. _Vx

Info (program, registration):

Source: Faxinfo