SOCIETY / Violence among young people: Prevention and reintegration at the heart of the debates | FAXINFO

The Symphorien Insertion Center (CSI) brought together many local stakeholders for a round table on youth violence last Tuesday in Quartier d'Orléans.

The president of the CSI, Marie-Paule Rousseau Cornette, wanted to alert and mobilize the community in the face of the persistence of violent acts on the island. This meeting, entitled "The impact of violence among young people: Perspectives and solutions to avoid prison", brought together several local associations and key figures from the territory including Lieutenant-Colonel Hugues Loyez, commander of the Northern Islands gendarmerie, Steven Cocks, territorial councilor, Patrick Henoc of the CLSPD, "the Apostle" André Webster, a representative of the Penitentiary Integration and Probation Service (SPIP) and two territorial police officers.

The violence of prison shock
The discussions highlighted the devastating effects of violence on young people. In October 2023, the actions of the gendarmerie resulted in convictions for armed robbery, totaling 15 years in prison for the perpetrators tried. The young people incarcerated then face a brutal prison shock, marked by overcrowding, a total loss of freedom and a climate of domination. This social "jungle" engenders feelings of despair that sometimes lead to suicide, revealing the importance of alternatives and support to avoid incarceration.

An educational prevention game
With this in mind, the gendarmerie plans to launch an educational game in 2025, funded by the prefecture, aimed at middle school students. This game, which will place them in the role of "detective for an hour", will involve them in simulated investigations into road accidents or addiction problems. The aim is to raise awareness among young people about the realities of security while possibly awakening vocations within the gendarmerie or the territorial police.
This round table reinforced the community's commitment to active prevention and the reintegration of young people, an imperative to offer them positive prospects and avoid the spiral of violence. _Vx

Source: Faxinfo