TRAINING: The fight against illiteracy continues in Saint-Martin | FAXINFO

As part of the Ultramarine Skills Investment Pact (PUIC), the Collectivity of Saint-Martin and the State are funding, in partnership with Pôle Emploi, a program to combat illiteracy and to bring French language up to standard. foreign country for thirty trainees.

At the beginning of this month, Martine Beldor, territorial adviser in charge of vocational training, met the fifteen trainees of the second session who have benefited from this course since December 5, 2022. During this moment of convivial exchange, the trainees made demonstrating their new skills. Martine Beldor wanted to congratulate them in person and encouraged them to continue their efforts to build their professional career despite their difficulties. The Jielle Formation training center, service provider for this action, is developing a new educational approach combining fun games and computer tools to fight against the digital divide. The innovative nature of these sessions is also based on the training methods.

In addition to the acquisition of digital skills during this learning period, the trainees are equipped with computer equipment allowing them to experiment on a weekly basis with the follow-up of distance learning courses. A period of immersion in the company will complete the training offer. The latter constitutes a real professional lever, by giving trainees the opportunity to put themselves in a situation and to confront their professional project with the labor market. So far, 56% of trainees from the first refresher session, provided from September 2022 to January 2023, have been able to access qualifying training or employment. _Vx

Source: Faxinfo