A conference on selective waste sorting in Saint-Martin took place yesterday morning at the CDI as part of Sustainable Development Week organized by the Lycée Robert Weinum.
Were present Bernadette Davis, 2nd vice-president of the Collectivity, in charge of the Living Environment, Laurent Guillaume, director of water, energy and the environment at the COM, Anaelle Rapy, project manager, waste management, Stéphanie Browers, in charge of the mission sustainable development education 1er and 2nd degree, representing the vice-rector, Olivier Saunier, principal of the Lycée Robert Weinum and Sébastien Cathala, history-geography teacher, sustainable development education referent and several students attentive to the explanations of the various speakers.
Ask the people around you: everyone is sure to sort their waste but the reality is quite different… However, this simple gesture within everyone's reach allows you to reduce CO2 emissions, protect natural resources and save energy by giving products a second life. The waste thrown away in nature is so much waste that pollutes the environment and our health in the long term.
The consumer often lacks information and practical advice. So how can you be sure to sort correctly? By memorizing the colors of the colored sorting bins (orange, yellow and green) and their associated waste. Thanks to the setting up of collections, these bins have multiplied, allowing everyone to classify their waste according to their nature: glass, plastic, cardboard, can, paper, etc.
Selective sorting is not binding on a daily basis, all you have to do is separate recyclable waste from your household waste to sort it easily at home, at work, on vacation… If the approach is individual, the impact is collective. Selective sorting notably reduces CO2 emissions, protects natural resources and saves energy by giving products a second life.
The new sorting device of the Community
In Saint-Martin, 130 trios of sorting bins have been deployed throughout the territory since last year.
By mid-September 2023, 260 voluntary drop-off points for recyclable waste will be installed throughout the territory. The 130 yellow colored terminals will be intended for metal, plastic, paper, cardboard, the other 130 green terminals, for glass.
15 double cells will also be set up for "bulky" and "green waste" during the 3nd 2023 quarter.
Awareness of the population to sorting gestures and the proper use of the devices is planned soon.
The big issues
For the preservation of the environment, it is important to change certain consumption habits to reduce waste volumes.
Unsorted household waste is currently buried at the Grandes Cayes ecosite. By reducing our waste, by recycling it better, we will thus avoid the saturation of the ecosite of Grandes Cayes. It is high time to respect the rule of 3 R: Reduce – Reuse – Recycle.
For information, each resident in Saint-Martin produces 1 tonne of waste annually, 20% being currently recycled. _AF
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