EOC Officially Activated. Announcement at 6.00PM regarding Schools, Businesses and Civil Service | SOUALIGA NEWSDAY

GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) – The Prime Minister Hon. Leona Romeo Marlin officially activated the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) after 2.00pm on Thursday in a meeting with the 10 Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) and associated partners.

Tropical Storm Jerry has been upgraded to a Hurricane and is the fourth hurricane of the 2019 Atlantic hurricane season. The country remains under a Tropical Storm Watch at this point in time, however this status could be upgraded later today.

An announcement will be made at 6.00PM via all media by the Prime Minister with respect to the status of schools, businesses and the public sector, after a weather forecast assessment with information from the National Hurricane Center at 5.00pm has been analyzed.

The EOC has been working diligently with the authorities of the French side of the island in order to synchronize measures for Sint Maarten/Saint Martin.

Fire Chief/National Disaster Coordinator Clive Richardson advises the population to continue to closely monitor the progress of Hurricane Jerry and to review their Disaster Emergency Kits.

The Meteorological Department of Sint Maarten (MDS) in its Thursday Special Weather Bulletin said Hurricane Jerry was located over 500 miles east southeast of the country.

MDS further states in its bulletin that on its current track, Hurricane Jerry is expected to pass approximately 120 miles to the north, northwest of the country on Friday night.

The MDS adds that the effects of the system could begin by Friday.

MDS will be monitoring the system and will keep the public updated accordingly.

The community and new residents are urged to learn more about hurricane hazards and how to prepare for a storm/hurricane strike by visiting the Government website: www.sintmaartengov.org/hurricane where you will be able to download your “Hurricane Season Readiness Guide’ and “Hurricane Tracking Chart.”

Listen to the Government Radio station – 107.9FM – for official information and news before, during and after a hurricane.

For official weather-related information, check out the website of the Meteorological Department of St. Maarten (MDS): www.meteosxm.com

Source: Souliga Newsday https://www.soualiganewsday.com/index.php?option=com-k2&view=item&id=27427:eoc-officially-activated-announcement-at-6-00pm-regarding-schools,-businesses-and-civil-service&Itemid=504