MP Richardson calls on the SMHDF to give answers on status of home repairs | SOUALIGA NEWSDAY

SINT MAARTEN (GREAT BAY) – Member of Parliament Anna Richardson is seeking for the Sint Maarten Housing Development Foundation (SMHDF) to give insight and an update on the status of repair of the public homes and housing facilities such as the Senior Citizens housing buildings that are under the management of the SMHDF.

February 2019, Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure, Mr. Miklos Giterson released a sum of 1 Million guilders to the Sint Maarten Housing Development Foundation (SMHDF).  This one million guilders represented a percentage of unpaid subsidy indexations and other compensations owed to the SMHDF for annual rental subsidies of tenants and the repair of homes.

According to the Official Website of the Government of Sint Maarten, “the Foundation intends to carry out much-needed repairs to the various homes under its management.” There are a lot of complaints by tenants regarding the state of their homes and apartments, to date the Action Plan regarding how the repairs will be executed has not been released by the SMHDF. Almost one year has passed and no action has been undertaken to have these homes repaired.

Prior to the devastation of Hurricane Irma, many residents had been complaining about the poor upkeep and maintenance of the homes in Belvedere, Hope Estate and also those in the “911” neighborhood.

Post the storm the matter has gotten even worse and as many tenants have expressed, the rent is demanded despite the lack of upkeep by the SMHDF. 

In July of 2018, the Ombudsman of Sint Maarten and the National Ombudsman of the Netherlands issued a joint letter to then Prime Ministers Leona Romeo-Marlin of Sint Maarten and Mark Rutte of the Netherlands expressing concern regarding the slow pace of the reconstruction of Sint Maarten and urged both to speed up the recovery process.

More than two years since the passing of Hurricane Irma, there are still many complaints about the snail pace with home repair.

The report focused on how the most vulnerable persons in our society have been impacted by Hurricanes Irma and Maria. How the hurricanes impacted their standard of living, What the experience was for these persons in terms of receiving assistance surrounding home/roof repair, and the challenges they have and continue to experience.

In addition, the chronic lack of affordable housing was also a subject of concern for the Ombudsman and is also a matter of great concern for MP Anna Richardson. 

As such, Member of Parliament, Anna Richardson is currently working on a draft to amend the existing Rent Committee Decree.  The inability of the Rent Committee to adjudicate over Landlord/Tenant matters is a vital missing link and the MP intends to work diligently on having the law instated to make living on Sint Maarten fair and affordable for all parties affected. 

But there remains a high volume of complaints by residents and the senior citizens regarding the lack of follow-up and assistance from SMHDF.

Considering the above, MP Richardson believes it is of high importance that an urgent meeting be scheduled, with the Minister Of VROMI with the responsibility the SMHDF, who will have the director of the Foundation enlighten Parliament, Government and even more importantly, the residents of the housing projects and give answers regarding the projected dates for the repairs,

MP Richardson met with and had discussions with tenants in Belvedere, Hope Estate, the 911 neighborhood as well as residents of the Red Cross senior Citizens home. The living conditions of the residents are heartbreaking and alarming. Tenants spoke about leaking roofs and showed photos of the water running down the walls when it rains. 

“We received a bucket of a white paste to put on the roof, but it still leaks.” Said one of the tenants in the 911 Neighborhood. 

“We have broken windows, leaking piping and faucets that need replacing, up to now no one came to fix things but the moment you don’t pay the rent, you receive a warning letter” said another 911 resident. 

A resident in Belvedere sent me a video of his leaking roof with a message that read, “Good morning blessing, I am sending you a video of my leaking roof, Just listen,” …… Said MP Richardson.

Seniors spoke about bathrooms that don’t have handle rails for them to hold on to and bathroom facilities too low making it difficult for those with aching knees and backs to bend. “I have a bad knee and back, the toilet is too low. It’s difficult to get down and up. I have to use that walker there to brace myself. I’ve fallen down in the bathroom and burst my chin. They had to carry me to the hospital, and I get seven stitches.” said a senior at the Red Cross Senior Citizen home in Belvedere.” 

The areas surrounding the Seniors citizens building in Belvedere is extremely dark, making it unsafe for the residents. What actions are being taken to fix these many cases? 

Immediately upon return to Parliament from the holiday recess, MP Richardson will submit a letter to the Chairman of Parliament, requesting for an urgent Public Meeting to be scheduled with the Minister of VROMI.

These are prime examples why all neighborhoods must have established community councils going forward. One of the tenants asked me, “who can we complain to?” My response was with a Belvedere and Neighborhood 911 representative in place, these matters and more can be brought directly to the Parliament Community Council Committee, who will then have the role to address their concerns with the concerned Minister and request a solution within a time frame, said MP Anna Richardson.

Source: Souliga Newsday