Population invited to Join Tuesday morning Peaceful Rally in Marigot | SOUALIGA NEWSDAY

SAINT MARTIN (MARIGOT) – This afternoon, Monday December 16th, the President of the Collectivité of Saint-Martin brought together all the elected representatives of the Territorial Council, the President of the CESC, the President of the CCISM, the Vice-president of the Youth Council, the representatives of the District Councils and the representatives of the churches, in a crisis meeting at the Collectivité, the Communications Department from the Cabinet of the Collectivite said on Monday evening in a media statement.

The objective of this Territorial Operational Committee (TOC) is to join forces to propose concrete solutions to end the crisis and to appease. The actors present were able to express their point of view and their expectations. They also took note of the announcements made this evening by the Minister for Overseas, Mrs. Annick Girardin, concerning the PPRN crisis in Saint Martin.

These measures reflect significant progress, in particular the correction of certain points in the PPRN, however, they do not meet the expectations of the population, which requests the suspension of the anticipated PPRN … Insufficient, incomplete and overall disappointing.

In this context, the actors gathered jointly decided to continue negotiations with the State in order to obtain measures that meet the legitimate expectations of the Saint-Martiners.

In support to the territory and its inhabitants, the united actors of the Territorial Operational Committee have decided to organize a peaceful, apolitical and silent rally, tomorrow, Tuesday December 17th at 10 am on the Marigot Waterfront by the Ferry Station.

The population is invited to join this peaceful gathering.

Source: Souliga Newsday https://www.soualiganewsday.com/index.php?option=com-k2&view=item&id=28865:population-invited-to-join-tuesday-morning-peaceful-rally-in-marigot&Itemid=451