UPDATE: French side Schools – Collectivite not able to guarantee school transportation and meals. Says keep children home | SOUALIGA NEWSDAY

SAINT MARTIN (MARIGOT) – The Collectivité of Saint-Martin is informing parents that it is unable to mobilize school transportation for Tuesday, December 17, nor to clean the classes in time for tomorrow morning, the Collectivite said in a media statement on Monday evening.

“The CTOS was also unable to replenish its stocks and prepare meals for the canteen.

“In this difficult context for the students, the Collectivité of Saint-Martin advises the parents of students registered in the public schools to keep the children at home Tuesday December 17.

The Collectivité of Saint-Martin will keep you informed of the development of the situation for Thursday and Friday.”

The Prefecture of Saint Martin and St. Barths sent out a press release on Monday stating that certain schools will be open on Tuesday, December 17.

Due to roadblocks remaining in the Sandy Ground and Orleans areas, facilities in these areas will remain closed until further notice. This measure is being taken due to teaching staff not having access to the facilities in those neighbourhoods.

The Prefecture also states that they are unable to ensure the implementation of school transportation and catering services.


ARCHIVE – On Sunday the Prefecture of Saint Martin and St. Barths in collaboration with the Collectivite of Saint Martin, took the decision to keep schools on the French side of the island closed on Monday, December 16.

The authorities will keep the community informed with respect to Tuesday and beyond with respect to the school situation on the French side.

According to the statement issued on Sunday from the Cabinet of the President Communications Office, the decision taken is due to continued stalemate which is continuing.

Residents have a number of concerns regarding several issues and they have taken action in the form of demonstrations and roadblocks throughout the French side of the island.

Source: Souliga Newsday https://www.soualiganewsday.com/index.php?option=com-k2&view=item&id=28841:update-french-side-schools-collectivite-not-able-to-guarantee-school-transportation-and-meals-says-keep-children-home&Itemid=504